Since 1878, Dodge has been discovering solutions that make industry operations easier. From the Independence Split Wood Pulley to Smart Sensors for mechanical products, their innovations have evolved to push entire industries forward.
Mounted Bearings
Fully Assembled Bearings, Ready for Industrial Use
Dodge bearings offer innovative designs, patented features, and consistent performance with a wide range of shaft attachment methods, rolling elements, housings, and seal choices.

Manufactured by Dodge for Over 100 Years
The Dodge coupling product line can offer a solution to almost any need. Whether it’s for an elastomeric or metallic design, Dodge can provide a coupling with the potential to increase torque capacity, accommodate shaft misalignment, extend life, and put an end to unexpected downtime.

Conveyor Components
A Worldwide Reputation for Reliability and Quality
Dodge offers a variety of pulley types, styles, and different options—from standard to large, highly engineered pulleys—in addition to complete pulley assembly packages made from the best components in the business.

Bushings, Hubs, & Collars
Designed to Do More with Your Dodge Equipment
Bushings, hubs, and collars are accessories for mechanical drive components. Bushings are linings for a round hole between two parts, which help regulate the transmission of energy. Hubs are useful for welding into fan rotors, impellers, agitators, etc., which require secure mounting to the shaft. Collars are used to accommodate components on power transmission application and are available in solid steel and solid iron.