The Optibelt Group is a leading global manufacturer of high-performance belt drives. Optibelt products are used where durability and quality are required without making any compromises: in general engineering, in automotive, in agricultural machinery and the household appliances.
The family-owned company has some 2500 employees worldwide. From its headquarters in Höxter (North Rhine-Westphalia), the Optibelt Group runs eight production sites in six countries. They are all committed to a common governance principle: eight sites, six countries – one quality!
High-quality craftsmanship is not a matter of chance: The owner families of the Optibelt Group think in terms of generations, not in quarterly or yearly periods of time. They say yes to innovation, but no to experiments at the expense of quality. With this philosophy, Optibelt has secured its place as a strong brand on the global market. Owners and employees see to it that it stays this way, every day: with hearts, hands and minds.

Optibelt Delta Chain Carbon
The Optibelt DELTA CHAIN Carbon is a new high performance timing belt that sets standards in the market. Up to 100% higher power transmission is possible compared to high performance rubber timing belts.
The overall width of the drive can therefore be considerably reduced. The particular focus is placed here on drives with very high torques. The Optibelt DELTA CHAIN Carbon was designed for high torques and delivers high performance even in extreme use and with high loads. With its carbon cord, it is the ideal alternative to drives with roller chains.
The innovative combination of materials with an extremely resistant polyurethane compound, an abrasion-resistant and specially treated polyamide fabric, as well as the carbon fibre cord, make the optibelt DELTA CHAIN Carbon resistant to a wide range of chemicals, oils and fluids.
NOW available in 8M 640 – 4480 in standard width of 12, 21, 36 & 62 mm